“Revive the artist in you” workshop 30/10/10 in London


10-5pm Saturday 30th October 2010

Would you like to feel more creative?
Would you like to feel more confident with your creativity?
Would you like to know how powerful you are when you get in touch with your inner artist?????

Then come and join us in a very deep and exciting journey called “REVIVE THE ARTIST IN YOU”!

One full day to:

understand what is stopping you from writing that book you wish to write, dancing on stage, singing out loud, speaking in front of other people, painting giant canvases or even start to draw, playing the piano, making a movie, acting or simply running in the street and jumping when there is no bus to catch!

feel the joy. Feel the joy to wake up in the morning and feel inspired, feel the joy to take the time for you to draw, dance or write, feel the joy to accomplish something you never dared to do before.

transform your beliefs that you are too young, too old, can’t afford it, have no talent, never finish a thing, into new beliefs that Yes I can, I can write and make money out of it, I can dance and feel free, I can sing, I can jump and I don’t care a thing about what other people think of me! I can BE MYSELF!

integrate how to keep the connection going between you and your inner artist, between you and that powerful being that is you and knows how to make you feel fulfilled and alive, that wonderful you who loves you unconditionally.

I’m jumping right now, my heart is beating so loud and my skin is shivering all over my body. I love you. You are perfect the way you are right now, and if you have any doubt about it I’ll make sure they are all gone when you leave the workshop.

One full day 10-5pm to “Revive the artist in you” so you can feel alive as ever before. This workshop is a wonderful collaboration between me, my inner artist and Vincent Leleux, our intuition, my experience as an artist through traveling, painting, T. Harv Eker’s life coaching, Biodanza practice, Esther Hicks and Abraham’s inspiration, Neale Donald’s Walsch’s words and who I really am. And of course my understanding of “The Creative Journal” by Luccia Carpacchione, “Le Journal Créatif” by Anne-Marie Jobin, and “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron! Vincent is a Biodanza teacher, Theta Healing Practitioner and my loving partner.

We have made this workshop an exceptional opportunity for you to experience who you really are: a powerful creator and above all a wonderful human being!

The investment is £97 per person but because we want to make sure you’ll be there and that nothing can stop you from coming, we decided to make a special offer to you: not only we offer you all the material for the workshop (a sketchbook, free use of pastels, paint, crayons, watercolor pencils, paper) but also we decided that it would be so nice to have lunch together so we are offering you a free homemade Indian Veggie lunch!!!!

SPECIAL EARLY BIRD PRICE if you book before 22nd October you will get all that for £97 for two people!!! So less than £49 per person! Amazing isn’t it? Places are limited so book now on!

You can pay by card via paypal (there is a £3.50 transaction fee):

or you can send me a £97 check with your two names, email addresses and phone numbers to: Juliette Jeanclaude 21 Smalley Close, N16 7LE London.

We hope to see you there!!

Have an amazing day, you awesome creature!!

Juliette and Vincent

EXCEPTIONAL PRICE if you book before 22nd October 2010:


+ Receive a sketchbook for FREE
+ FREE use of  pastels, felt pens, paint, charcoal and watercolour pencils



London Buddhist Arts Centre
EastBourne House, Bullard Place,
E2 0PT London
7 min walk from Bethnal Green



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